May 2024 SIS Updates

On May 18, 2024, new navigation and search features were rolled out in the Student Information System. Find additional details about those updates below.

Navigation Updates

SIS homepage icons were updated.

  • Two icons moved from the left-hand margin to the top navigation bar. The Favorites (heart) and Recently Visited (clock) are now located in the left of the top navigation bar.
  • The icons for Home (house), Notifications (bell) and the NavBar (compass) have been updated to a new design.

Homepage of SIS with icons in the top navigation called out in a red box. The images notes changes in the location and appearance of those menu options.

The newly available Refresh option allows you to refresh the page directly in SIS. Find the Refresh option under the Homepage Actions menu (three line icon).

The SIS homepage with the homepages actions menu called out in a red box to indicate where users can find the new page refresh option in SIS.

Search Pages Updates

Please note, additional search pages may have undergone similar updates that are not noted in this document.

The design of search pages was updated, so a grey box containing the search fields will be the new standard design.

Screenshot of a search page in SIS with the new search page design called out with a red box. The design now incorporates a standard grey box to contain the search fields.

Searches now include additional features like the ability to look at and use recent searches. Your previous five searches will automatically be saved under the Recent Searches dropdown.

Screenshot of the SIS homepage with the Recent Searches menu called out with a red box that points to a screenshot that demonstrates what the dropdown menu looks like.

Additionally, users can now name and save searches. After completing an initial search, click Save Search so it will appear in the Saved Searches dropdown menu.

  • Enter the name of your search and select Save. That saved search is now an option to select in the saved searches dropdown menu.

Screenshot of the SIS search page with the saved search dropdown called out in a red box as well as a screenshot of the menu to title and name a saved search.

The search results display was updated. Hovering over a results row will highlight the row in yellow; clicking anywhere on the highlighted row will select that result to display additional information.

Screenshot of the SIS search page with the results table called out in a red box.