Staff Training

The training resources on these pages will assist staff in learning about, and working in, the Student Information System (SIS). 

If you need help or have additional questions, visit the SIS Staff Help & Support page for more information. 

General Resources

  • General Training

    A general training is available for all faculty and staff members new to the Student Information System (SIS) and Campus Solutions. 

    Course Title: Welcome to the Student Information System - Staff!

    Upon completion of this training, users will be able to:

    • Understand how to navigate within Campus Solutions
    • Recognize the components of Academic Structure
    • Understand new terminology and concepts unique to Campus Solutions


    For self-paced training on the Student Information System, self-enroll in Campus Solutions Training

    Once enrolled, you can go to the Welcome to the Student Information System - Staff course.

    Other self enrollment D2L courses for SIS include Navigating Campus Solutions 2023 and Navigating for students.

  • Fact Sheets and Terminology

    Fact Sheets


    • Campus Solutions (CS) Code Book. The Code Book helps end-users of Campus Solutions data become familiar with the various codes and descriptions for commonly used elements of the system. The sections of this Code Book are in the SIS Reporting Center. If you have the security permissions to do so, log in to SIS, navigate to the Admin Home page, and click on the Reporting Center tile. The Code Book sections can be found in the “Codes and Resources” topical section in the left-hand side menu of the Reporting Center. If you have any questions, please utilize the contact form from the Staff Help & Support page > Reporting Center > Contact Form. Please note: The Campus Solutions Code Book in Excel format has been discontinued.
    • PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Glossary: a list of relevant terms for users who will be using the new system, Campus Solutions. 
  • Navigation


    Use this Navigation Quick Guide-Staff to learn basics about navigating in Campus Solutions.

    For self-paced training on navigation updates made in 2023, self-enroll in Campus Solutions TrainingOnce enrolled, you can go to Navigating Campus Solutions 2023.

General Job Aids and Guides